Why is it harder for some people to build muscle than others?

If you’re looking to gain muscle mass, a quick web search will tell you to “bulk” on a high-calorie, high-protein diet, progressively challenge yourself with heavier weights and rest in between workouts. But have you ever wondered how these measures actually boost the size of your guns? Whether you’re a novice gymgoer or an experienced bodybuilder, learning the biology of skeletal muscle growth can help you understand the process at the cellular level. 

Everyone can benefit from weight training, even if getting ripped isn’t your end goal. You lose muscle mass with age, and it becomes exceedingly difficult to reverse course the frailer you become, Kevin Murach, who researches muscle growth at the University of Arkansas, told Live Science.

Source link: https://www.livescience.com/health/exercise/why-is-it-harder-for-some-people-to-build-muscle-than-others by at www.livescience.com